Magic of Love
Academy & Community
Our Vision
Welcome to the Magic of Love - Community & Academy, where we co-create a new world based on acceptance, love, and care for ourselves, each other, and nature.
Our vision is to transcend boundaries and embrace our true essence as pure consciousness and infinite divine love. In this space, we discover the wellspring of happiness and love that allows us to heal ourselves, others, and the world.
Our Mission
Our mission, which serves as the pathway to manifesting our vision, is guided by the following transformative elements. First and foremost, we have the Magic of Love Academy, a beacon of knowledge, wisdom and growth. Through our trainings and retreats, we provide individuals with the tools to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. These offerings support participants in finding love and freedom, connecting with their true essence, and experiencing the boundless joy that arises from living in alignment with their divine nature.
As part of our mission, we also aim to cultivate an online international community in the vast expanse of cyberspace. This virtual realm serves as a gathering place where we live our vision together, supporting and empowering one another. It is a space where we nurture collective growth, care for each other's well-being, and inspire one another to reach new heights.
NOV 24th - 28th
TULUM, Mexico
We are excited to play part in the first ever Tantra Festival in Latin America. Karim will join multiple trained facilitators from around the world to offer a diverse range of workshops, meditations, and rituals to support your journey of self-discovery, connection, and transformation. From tantric practices to energy healing sessions, you will have the opportunity to explore various modalities and expand your understanding of intimacy and personal growth.
We invite you to join us at the beautiful beachfront venue in Tulum, where the natural beauty and serene atmosphere will enhance your experience. Using our code “MAGIC” you can get access to 10% off your ticket. For more info visit
August 1st - August 8th, 2024
Sacred Valley, Peru
Are you ready to break free from limiting beliefs that hold you back from the love and life you desire? This retreat offers a profound opportunity to replace old, conditioned beliefs with empowering ones, ultimately helping you connect with your truest, innermost self—the source of pure love and happiness.

Mastery of Love
Are you ready to let go of the search?
“Only when I let go of the search, will I find what I am looking for” (Dr.Love)
Free my Mind - Self (Love)Realization Training - is a transformative sacred journey to true happiness and real love.
Shift your focus from seeking love and validation from others to discovering the love, beauty and power within. By embracing yourself fully and realizing that you are everything you have ever searched for, you unlock a wellspring of happiness and attract fulfilling relationships into your life. . Join now to Free my Mind training, tap into your true essence, and experience the magic in your life and in your relationships.
Free my Heart is deep healing & Expansion journey, that base on Forgiveness, Couple Therapy (for any relationship that we experince triggers) and Tantra of the Heart.
When your heart is free, may you find intimacy with yourself and others. Only then may the Journey continue.
* HIGHLY RECOMMEND to have completed Free my Mind before participating
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Sex has been tabued. Yet it is the very energy of creation. How can we harness that energy? In this training we explore different techniques to cultivate, harness and expand that energy into your life and wellbeing.
* HIGHLY RECOMMEND to have completed Free my Mind and Free my Heart before participating
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Your body is a magical vessel for yourself but it is not yourself. Through silence and fasting we reach closer to de association. We realize that we are not our body.
* HIGHLY RECOMMEND to have completed free my mind and free my heart before participating
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The final step of the journey. Our practitioner training.
We are more than just ourselves. After this training you will be a certified practitioner and will be prepared to help others along their journey.
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An Erotic Journey to Experience Heart Opened Sexuality.
A 6-month journey to intimate sexual & emotional presence with your partner, where souls merge & relationships thrive.
Are you ready to become passionate & playful lovers?
Coming from Magic of Love will get you FREE Bonus - one hour couples session with Karim.
Journey from sexual connection to deeply fulfilling, essential & orgasmic intimacy.
Encounter together new depth & understanding of your relationship, towards a thriving partnership that leaves you feeling nurtured, alive & seen.
Experience true erotic freedom, bringing fresh energy into the bedroom & into your relationship… up-leveling your awareness, your open-heart & your sexual power together.
When our intimate relationship is thriving, our lives thrive.
For more info visit
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